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New Management Company

Published: October 01, 2022

As of 10/1/2022, Windview HOA switched from PMG (aka, Associa) to Clark Simson Miller (CSM) as the financial manager for the HOA. CSM has sent welcome letters (as well as welcome emails if an email address existed in your record), which includes instructions to set-up your account on the HOA Vine system. Click Full Story for more information

As of 10/1/2022, Windview HOA switched from PMG (aka, Associa) to Clark Simson Miller (CSM) as the financial manager for the HOA. CSM has sent welcome letters (as well as welcome emails if an email address existed in your record), which includes instructions to set-up your account on the HOA Vine system.

If you have not received (or misplaced) the welcome letter, you can contact CSM at To expedite your request, please include the following information in your email message:

    Management Co ID: 4547
    Association ID: 607
    Your address
    Your quarterly assessments should be made payable to CSM (and include the information above), then mailed to the following address:
    Windview HOA
    c/o Clark Simson Miller
    PO Box 52344
    Phoenix, AZ 85072-2344

If you prefer to pay using ACH, instructions are included in the welcome letter. This option will be available later this month or early in November 2022.

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