Architectural Documents

No building, structure, fence, wall or improvement of any kind or nature shall be constructed, placed, altered, changed or modified on any Lot until the plot plan showing the location of such building, structure, paving or improvement, construction plans and specifications thereof and landscaping and grading plans therefor have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Committee.

Title Type Author Date Size Tags
Memorandum of Explanation .pdf The Downs of Hillcrest HOA May 09, 2024 25.10 KB Download
Privacy Restrictions (Windows) .pdf The Downs of Hillcrest HOA May 09, 2024 81.36 KB Download
Private Drainage System .pdf The Downs of Hillcrest HOA May 09, 2024 123.17 KB Download
Driveway Aprons .pdf The Downs of Hillcrest HOA May 09, 2024 69.72 KB Download
Driveways .pdf The Downs of Hillcrest HOA July 11, 2024 218.69 KB Download
Required Concrete Color NO EXCEPTIONS .pdf The Downs of Hillcrest HOA May 09, 2024 145.23 KB Download
Fencing at Common Areas .pdf The Downs of Hillcrest HOA May 09, 2024 45.93 KB Download
Approved Roofing Material .pdf The Downs of Hillcrest HOA May 09, 2024 21.75 KB Download
Retaining Walls, Fences, Columns, Gates .pdf The Downs of Hillcrest HOA May 09, 2024 115.56 KB Download
Drought Resistant Landscaping .pdf The Downs of Hillcrest HOA June 15, 2024 105.93 KB Download
Artifical Turf Requirements .pdf The Downs of Hillcrest HOA May 10, 2024 97.86 KB Download
Generator Policy .pdf The Downs of Hillcrest HOA June 15, 2024 94.97 KB Download

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ACC Requests

The Downs Of Hillcrest HOA - Acc Request

An ACC Request is required if you are making ANY type of modification, change, repair, replacement, removal, addition to your property or the exterior of your home.

The governing documents of this community state that you must have written approval from the ACC Committee prior to doing any of this work.

Start your ACC Request*

* Must be a registered homeowner of this website